Pest Control Specialists in Somerset, NJ

After servicing Central New Jersey for over three decades, Protex has established a reputation of effective pest control and personable customer service. Between our diligent and thorough inspections and eco-friendly methods, our team will locate all traces of your unwanted guest. Properly identifying your specific rodent or insect is important to find their point of entry and type of possible damage that could be hiding throughout your home or office. Once we find the pest we are working with, we use a variety of methods including eco-friendly solutions.

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If we aren't effectively keeping rodents and insects away, we don't consider our job done. Our final step in every strategy focuses on implementing a long-term solution to prevent the worry of your pest problem recurring. The Protex team customizes your pest treatments through strategical selection of both chemical and non-chemical methods that together will give the most effective result. We want to provide a bug free life to your home or office!

Rodent Control in Somerset NJ

If you've ever experienced a rodent infestation in your home, you know it's something you want to avoid in the future. Rodents can cause destruction to your property as well as become a health hazard. Call our professional rodent control team in Somerset NJ to help mitigate the issue, or follow these three steps to protect your home from a rodent infestation in the first place.

Don't Leave Food or Water Out

The number one thing that will attract pests to your home is an easy food source. When rodents know they can find food at your house, they'll be happy to call it their new home. Prevent them from gaining access to an easy meal by keeping trash cans closed and sealed.

Cover Holes in Your Walls or Foundation

Rodents look for easy access to the warmth of your home. Unfortunately, rodents such as mice can enter your property through holes much smaller than their body diameter. You'll want to carefully examine the outside of your home and look for access points.

Keep Areas Around Your Home Clean

Rodents love nesting material and they need places to hide. If they can't find that at your house, they are much more likely to move on. Things like old clothing and newspapers are great for making rodent nests.

Sometimes you can take all these steps and still find yourself in need of rodent control. If you suspect you have an infestation, the sooner you call for rodent control in Somerset NJ the better!